Einz... Zwei....
"Locuz" is home to the art, games, resources and more, from yours truly, Zwei! It is here for both preservation and education purposes; A dedicated space to the projects i dedicate myself to. If it entertains me, it'll certainly entertain you!
Free 3D Models
Feel free to use these 3D Models on your project, made by yours truly! Most of them follow Quake's palette style, but it might be helpful to you! Not necessary, but you can credit me as @ZweiLuke if you use it!
Most of them include the source .blend file (Made for Blender 2.79b), but some have different exports. Not all models have rigs, or their full materials!
If you want to comission me to make a custom, specific model for you, be sure to contact me through Twitter (@ZweiLuke) or Discord (_zweihander)!